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Point Project


Point- a basic mark, such as a dot, a pixel, or a brushstroke

Focal point- the primary point of intrest in a composition

Array- a collection of points

Through this assignment, I explored one of the most basic elements of two-dimensional design, the point. I created a five by four grid which includes an array of twenty different pictures of points. Music has always been a huge part of my life so I decided to interpret records as points.

After I decided what the theme of my point project was, I began to take pictures. I used a white background ensure that it would not take away from each record. I then took each photo into Photoshop, creating a consistent scale. I copied and pasted each record into the grid and spent time trying different arrangements. Once I felt the collection of points looked cohesive and appealing to the eye, I began adding the element of color into the mix of things. ​Weight and balance of colors played a huge role in the piece. Majority of the records I captured are black with the exception of a couple outliers. When arranging the photos in this piece, I created a boarder by arranging the solid black records with zero transparency along the boarder. Towards the center, I balanced the transparent reds, blues, and clears. To connect the darker solid records and the lighter transparent records, I created a focal point using a solid white record to incorporate the lightness of the records towards the center and the solidness of the outside records. My initial plan was to isolate each record from the background to create an intense contrast. However, once I saw the finished product, I was not satisfied. I decided that although the solid white background did create lots of contrast to the records, it was too plain. In addition to that, every record looked almost exactly the same, with limited individuality. After brainstorming for a bit, I decided to incorporate the album covers or sleeves behind each record to set each record apart from each other and create a background that is more visually appealing to the eye.

Adding the album covers behind each record made the piece more visually appealing and less plain. More importantly, it added individuality and uniqueness to each picture of each point.

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