Musical Geometry
Terminology Musical Geometry- In its form, rhythm and metre, the pitches of its notes (intervals) and the tempo of its pulse music can be...
Contour Line Project
Terminology Contour lines- define the edges of a form and suggest three-dimensionality Project I chose one drawing to create a different...
Contour Line Exercise
Terminology Contour lines- define the edges of a form and suggest three dimensionality Inspiration For our in class exercise, we used...
Point Project
Terminology Point- a basic mark, such as a dot, a pixel, or a brushstroke Focal point- the primary point of intrest in a composition...
Line Exercise
Terminology All terms can be found in Mary Stewart’s Launching the Imagination: A Comprehensive Guide to Two-Dimensional Design Fifth...
Mapping Our Class
Jared Allen- Glenelg, MD Alexa Baroncelli- Sarasota, FL Chris Gibbs- Griffin, GA Thomas Hill- Augusta, GA Michelle Hubner- Fallston, MD...