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Contour Line Project


Contour lines- define the edges of a form and suggest three-dimensionality


I chose one drawing to create a different piece out of. I decided I wanted to make a mock invitation, so I chose a flower since it is so versatile. After scanning in the contour drawings and cropping it down to the individual picture, I took it into Photoshop to begin editing. My first step was to remove the background and add color to the flower. I then repeated the image and played around with the sizing.

I realized that the look of the flowers with a solid fill was not as appealing to the eye as I wanted it to be, so I chose to overlay watercolor from one of my other art pieces.

I then made four groups of flowers based on their color. I made a dark pink group, light pink, and two different orange and pink groups. I arranged the flowers into a triangular shape to fit the corners of the invitation. I chose the top right and bottom left hand corner to create a diagonal line. I then created a grid to add four lines which breaks up the white space.

Lastly, I added sample text to create an example of what the invitation could potentially look like. I chose an elegant text to complement the flowers and tied in the watercolor with the date.

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