Saya Woolfalk Lecture
I had the opportunity to attend a lecture held by contemporary artist Saya Woolfalk. Previous to this lecture, I had heard of her but never seen her work. Going into this lecture, I believe this was a positive thing. I had no formed opinions or expectations of what I was about to experience. Saya Woolfalk talked about her work starting as an undergraduate to where she is now today. Seeing where she was as a college student and what her art was like to where she is today and what she is producing was extremely enlightening for me. Woolfalk's work is unlike anything else I've seen. She does an absolutely amazing job of making her installations and exhibits interactive, which is something I admire greatly. I also found her ability to tell stories strictly from her imagination through her art really remarkable, particularly in her "No Place" series. Click here to find out more about Saya Woolfalk. Shown below are some of her works shown during the lecture. These photos are shown in no particular order.