For my ID I wanted to maintain the colors of SCAD, black and yellow, as well as our mascot, the bee. Other than those restrictions, I allowed myself to experiment. I decided I wanted to incorporate a honey comb design to fit the bee theme. I downloaded this stock image off of Getty Images.
My next step was to seperate the bees from the honey combs.
Then I decided, that I wanted to incorperate some of the places at the Savannah campus that SCAD is known for. For example, the SCAD Musume of art and the SCAD sign above Trustees Theater. I found six images online and put them into the honeycomb shapes.
I chose a headshot stock photo to serve as the identification picture. I placed it in the center honey comb shape to reflect all the beautiful places and opportunities that SCAD surrounds their students with. I then created a yellow background, added the SCAD logo, and mock information to simulate a real student ID. I decided to make the pictures in the honeycombs black and white to stay true to the yellow and black school colors. Shown below is the front of the ID.
Lastly, I recreated the back of the ID just as the current one is. The only difference is I decided to continue the yellow as rather than just black and white. Shown below is the back of the ID.